Introducing a Rich Resource for Midlife Magic

Dear thirsty reader
After years of filling everyone else’s glass, mug, lunchbox, fridge or the bank account of the company where you work, maybe now is the time to make that move and fill your own glass.
Have the kids grown up and is your nest empty(ing)?
Do you feel that time is passing far too quickly, or do you simply long for new challenges?
Are you in a career that has plateaued or a routine job without opportunity to follow your dreams or even interests?
Have you been too long in one industry or area and are now eager to try something new?
If any of these sound familiar, this could be the time for you to prepare to make that move – into a new industry, a new country, from working for a company to starting a charity or to turn a pastime into a full-time present-time!
So read on if you are hoping to make a major life change or if you would like to but are not sure if you really should or could.
Spoiler alert: Life change is feasible, fun and fulfilling!
Is it too late to make a major life change?
Never. In fact, midlife (and beyond) is the perfect time for a major move.
Aren’t we lucky that as a generation we are living longer? What was once seen as the Autumn of our lives is now the perfect season for a new chapter. As a generation, we are healthier than ever and more informed about the need to keep active mentally & physically so as to maintain that fitness into old age. It isn’t simply the fact that we have more years ahead of us than our parents or grandparents.

As we hit midlife and look back, we realise we have gathered a whole host of skills and experience from rich professional and personal lives: from interpersonal skills such as managing teams at work or being part of a team in our hobbies, negotiating with bosses or with teenagers through to core business skills or running a household budget juggling everyday expenses with luxuries the family want. So have Confidence that you do have a lot of experience and know-how to draw on to adapt to this major change.
The key is to dig deep and be Honest as to why you want this midlife move. Perhaps you are running away from someone or something or towards a life-long dream? By being honest with yourself regarding the ‘Why?’, the 'What' and 'How' will be much easier.
No, Age is not a problem – at 52 I started studying wine with absolutely no previous experience and at 58 bottled my first wine then at 62 published my first book (did I mention it is already a best seller?) with so many more ideas and adventures on my list! Ageism might be a barrier to some areas or industries but you can always work around it or fight it head on to break new ground. Your age is just a number – it is your energy level that counts!
A little insight into what I do on a daily basis.
Sure, you may still have some responsibilities – potentially for ageing parents who need help downsizing or moving into care along with young adult, university-aged children who are not quite off the payroll. But more 'me-time' is in sight and you are likely already or will be enjoying much more freedom to focus on what you really want from the next decades. So Now is the time to decide how that will look and depending on your personal context to start putting down the foundations – doing the research, working out any necessary financial aspects and building skills if needed..
This is your time and so you must Go at your pace and not be influenced by all those ell-meaning folks around you who suggest how you might want to do this differently and at a different rate. Speed up or slow down – you choose.
Most of all, it has to be fun and rewarding and you should aim to Enjoy every step of the journey – crafting it to include all the elements that you savour so that you can embrace all aspects whether they are familiar or new interests and skills you want to explore.
Drop by drop, fill your glass and get ready for CHANGE:
C ONFIDENCE in yourself and your new direction
H ONESTY as to your why?
A GE is not a problem
N OW is the time for a New chapter
G O at your own pace not someone else’s
E NJOY yourself on this exciting journey and not just as you reach the destination
“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” George Eliot
Until the next edition,
Excellent blog post. Very inspiring! Thank you Sally